+ What are the chief benefits of hiring your firm over hiring my own night auditors?

There are three key benefits:

1. We save you money because we’re less costly than hiring, training and managing full-time/part-time in-house employees to cover your night audit shift seven days a week.

2. We NEVER take sick days, vacation days, maternity leave or have other absences.

3. We’re accessible during the day, unlike staff night auditors. That is, if you have a question or problem, our management team is on the job during regular business hours to assist you.

+ Is Night Auditors of America a placement agency?

No. We are an outsourcing firm that provides a much-needed service—coverage of the third shift and night audit. It is not our intent to have you eventually hire any of our night auditors as employees. In fact, we ask all of our clients to agree not to solicit our employees. By the same token, we agree not to solicit your hotel employees either.

+ What size properties do you service?

We service a wide cross-section of properties from the independent select-service motel with under 100 rooms, to the mega-sized, high-rise or multi-building luxury resort with 1,000+ rooms and dozens of revenue outlets and amenities.

+ What geographical region do you cover?

We’re located in Orlando, and most of our clients are in the Central Florida area. If you’re outside Central Florida, one of the services we offer is consulting in which we come to your property and help you set up the policies and procedures for your night auditors. However, because of the hands-on nature of how our management staff does business, we are unable to provide our outsourcing services outside of the area at this time.

+ Can you provide short-term or temporary services while our own night auditor is on
+ vacation or out on maternity leave?

Yes. We can provide short-term outsourcing.

+ Do we have to commit to your night auditing service for a specific length of time?

No. Hire us for a year, a month, a week, or even a day. The cancelation clause in your contract is fully negotiable, however we’re fairly confident that once you try our services you’ll like it and become a long-term customer of ours. It happens all the time!

+ Will the same auditor service my account each night?

Not necessarily. We cross-train our night auditors so that if someone is unable to come to work one night, we have other auditors who can fill in. All of our auditors are highly trained and know the correct procedures for balancing the day’s accounts. Your audit will be done the same way regardless of which of our auditors performs the duties

+ What happens if your night auditor has a problem?

We have overnight resources. Our staff can call supervisors or managers for assistance at any hour. Also, the other auditors who have been cross-trained at a property are usually at work and available to assist.

+ How do you select and train your night auditors?

We mainly hire experienced auditors. Many of our employees have worked in the hospitality industry their entire careers. In addition, we hire and train students from the hospitality programs at local colleges. We provide all employees with on-going training and guidance to continually sharpen their auditing, customer service, and computer skills.

+ What happens if I don’t like an auditor that the company provides?

We will replace any night auditor upon reasonable written request.

+ To whom do your auditors report?

Auditors report directly to the management of Night Auditors of America, however, they understand that you’re the client and will follow the direction of your property managers.

+ Who is responsible for cash banks?

Night Auditors of America is responsible for all cash under our control. We provide surety bonds in the amount of $100,000 on each employee. We are insured for everything except armed robbery, which is non-insurable since we do not own the money.

+ What if I have a question about the way something was done in the night audit?

We are available during regular business hours to answer any questions you may have. If necessary, one of our supervisors will immediately come to your property to meet with you and review the audit.

+ How do you charge?

We generally charge a set fee for an eight-hour shift. This is an all-inclusive price that includes all payroll-related expenses. Contracts terms on pricing, pricing scheme or billing terms are fully negotiable.

+ If we hire Night Auditors of America, will our property still need a night audit manager?

No. Our professional management staff handles the duties of that position.

+ Can you help us to identify credit card fraud or other financial problems?

We do fraud investigations on a consulting basis. As ‘outsiders’ looking at your books, we can often see things that you might not. We’ll help you identify where the problem is, where the money is going and who is taking it.

+ Are you bonded and insured?

Yes, we carry a $100,000 surety bond on each employee and $1 million in liability coverage. We also carry workers comp insurance on all of our employees.